2019 :
- Categorical Symplectic Topology Conference
25-29 March 2019, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Topologie de basse dimension- Colloque en l’honneur de Christian Blanchet, 11-12 June 2019, Paris Diderot University, France
2018 :
- Algebraic Structures in Topology and Geometry ,
14-19 January 2018 , Riederalp, Switzerland
- Knotted Embeddings in Dimensions 3 and 4,
12 - 16 February 2018, CIRM - Luminy, France
- 101e rencontre entre mathématiciens et physiciens théoriciens,
7-9 Juin 2018, Strasbourg, France
- 102e rencontre entre mathématiciens et physiciens théoriciens,
13-15 September 2018, Strasbourg, France
- Manifolds
Workshop, 3-7 December 2018, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom
2017 :
- Winter school workshop
16-20 January 2017, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- 3-manifold workshop
30 January 2017 - 3 February 2017, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Workshop on Quantum Topology
2017 - March 9th & 10th, University of Lille, France
- Physics and knot homologies
10th April 2017 to 13th April 2017, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Thematic School on Quantum Topology and Geometry
9-13 May 2017, IMT, Toulouse, France
- Quantum Topology and Geometry in Toulouse
15-19 May 2017, IMT, Toulouse, France
- Groups, Manifolds and K-Theory
June 5 - June 9, 2017 , Münster University, Germany
- Quantum topology and categorified representation theory
26th June 2017 to 30th June 2017, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Mapping class groups and their representations
3th July 2017 to 7th July 2017, Summer school 2017 of the IMJ-PRG, Paris, France
- Workshop:
representation theory
and symplectic geometry,
27 November- 01 December 2017, Bonn, Germany
2016 :
- Third SwissMAP Geometry & Topology conference
January 25-29, 2016, Engelberg, Switzerland
- Winter Braids VI
22-25 February 2016, University of Lille I, France
- Journées TQFT, groupes quantiques et invariants non commutatifs
3-4 May 2016, Université Paris Diderot, France
- Workshop: Categorification
16-20 May 2016, Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn, Germany
13-14 June 2016, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
- Symplectic topology, sheaves and mirror symmetry
Paris, June 27 - July 8, 2016, France
- International Conference on Knots, Low-Dimensional Topology and Applications
17-23 July, Olympic Academy, Ancient Olympia, Greece
- Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory VIII
August 8 - 12, 2016 Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
- Around 2-categories and 3-manifolds
8-9 September, 2016 Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck, France
- Configuration Spaces and Moduli Spaces in Homotopy Theory
20-21 October, 2016, Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn, Germany
2012-2015 :
SMI Perugia 29 July- 31 August 2012, Perugia, Italy
The 20th National School on Algebra, Discrete Invariants in Commutative algebra and
Algebraic Geometry, 2-7 Septamber 2012, Mangalia, Romania
Summer Course “Topology in Low Dimensions”, 26-30 August 2013,
University of Durham, United Kingdom
The 21st National School on Algebra, 2-6 September 2013, Bucharest Simion Stoilow
Institute of Mathematics, Romania
Second Erlangen Fall School on Quantum Geometry, 7-11 October 2013, Erlangen, Germany
- Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics
22 - 23 May, 2014 Constanta, Romania
- Geometric and Quantum Topology in Dimension 3
23-27 June, 2014 CIRM Luminy, France
- Young Topologists Meeting 2014
30 June-04 July, 2014 University of Copenhagen , Denmark
- Algebres et Noeuds, 14 November 2014, Université de Versailles-St Quentin, France
- La Llagonne, 12-16 January 2015, France
- Winter Braids V - Pau, 16-19 February 2015, Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour,
- Mapping class groups, 3- and 4-manifolds
- 27 July - 1 August 2015 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania