Talks in Seminars
2024 :
9 February 2024, Séminaire de Topologie, Grenoble, France
20 February 2024, Séminaire Quantique , Strasbourg, France
10 April 2024, Topological Quantum Field Theory Seminar , Lisbon, Portugal
2023 :
Talk, Melbourne Topology Seminar, Melbourne, Australia, 5 October 2023
Talk, Geometry and Topology Seminar seminar, Imperial College London, 26 May 2023
2022 :
Talk, Journée de topologie et d’algèbre quantique, 21 November 2022, IMJ-PRG Paris, France
Talk, Topology Seminar, 28 October 2022, Texas State University, US
Talk, Topology Seminar, 30 May 2022, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Talk, Séminaire de topologie et géométrie, April 2022, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Talk, Knots and Representation Theory Seminar, 24 January 2022, Moscow, Russia
Talk, Geometry and Topology Seminar, 8 February 2022, Michigan State University, US
2021 :
Talk, Seminaire de topologie algebrique, UC Louvain
, 7 December, 2021, Belgium
Talk, [K-OS] Knot Online Seminar
, 2 December, 2021
Talk, Nantes-Orsay seminar on symplectic and contact geometry, Paris-Saclay
, November, 2021, France
Talk, Quantum topology seminar, October 2021, Indiana University Bloomington, US
Talk, Caltech geometry and topology seminar, October 2021, Caltech, US
Talk, CUNY Representation Theory Seminar, October 2021, New York, US
Talk, Knots and Representation Theory Seminar, July 2021, Moscow
Talk, Topology Seminar, 30 May 2022, Zurich, Switzerland
Talk, Séminaire AGATA
, June 2021, Montpellier, France
Talk, Knot theory seminar
, May 2021, Warsaw, Poland
Talk, Séminaire d'algèbre et de géométrie
, May 2021, Caen, France
Talk, Topology Seminar
, 16th February 2021, Stanford, US
2020 :
Coloured Jones and Alexander polynomials unified through Lagrangian intersections in configuration spaces, at Geometry and Topology Seminar
, 9th November 2020, University of Glasgow, UK
Talk, Topology Seminar, Institute of Mathematics IMAR, 23 October 2020, Bucharest, Romania (virtual)
Talk, Topology Seminar, Institute of Mathematics IMAR, 1 May 2020, Bucharest, Romania (virtual)
Talk, Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar, 18 March 2020 (virtual)
Talk, Séminaire de topologie , 28 January 2020,
Université Paris Diderot, France
Talk, Séminaire de topologie , 31 January 2020,
Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France
Talk, Séminaire de topologie , 07 February 2020,
Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Lille, France
2019 :
Heegaard Floer Homology and Solv manifolds, Workgroup Oxford , 5 March 2019, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Topological models for Uq(sl2)-quantum invariants, Séminaires de topologie algébrique, 20 March 2019,
UC Louvain, Belgium
Uq(sl(2))-quantum invariants at roots of unity and homological braid group representations,
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 22 March 2019, Bucharest, Romania
Uq(sl(2))-quantum invariants through topological intersection pairings, Poincaré Seminar, 20 May
2019, Oxford Mathematical Institute
Quantum invariants- the Jones polynomial as a bridge between algebra and topology, Junior Geometry
and Topology Seminar, 23 May 2019, Oxford Mathematical Institute
Coloured Jones and Alexander polynomials through the homology of configuration spaces, Topology Seminar at the Institute of Mathematics IMAR , 31 May 2019, Bucharest
Ribbon distance and Khovanov homology, Workgroup Oxford , 18 June 2019, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
2018 :
Homological and geometrical representations of the braid group, Abstract
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 4 January 2018, Bucharest, Romania
L'homologie de Khovanov et Khovanov symplectique,
Groupe de Travail "Invariants géométriques / symplectiques d'entrelacs", Paris Diderot University, 22 January 2018, France
L'homologie de Khovanov symplectique- definition et invariance,
Groupe de Travail "Invariants géométriques / symplectiques d'entrelacs", Paris Diderot University, 20 February 2018, France
Singularitées et l'invariance de l'Homologie de Khovanov symplectique par rapport aux mouvements de Markov,
Groupe de Travail "Invariants géométriques / symplectiques d'entrelacs", Paris Diderot University, 6 March 2018, France
Categorifications for link invariants coming from symplectic geometry I, Abstract
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 8 Mars 2018, Bucharest, Romania
Categorifications for link invariants coming from symplectic geometry II, Abstract
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 9 Mars 2018, Bucharest, Romania
Modified quantum invariants for 3-manifolds from super quantum groups,
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 6 April 2018, Bucharest, Romania
Quantum invariants for 3-manifolds from Uq(sl(2|1)),
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 16 May 2018, Bucharest, Romania
Non-commutative vector fields and the Fukaya category of the Milnor fibers,
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 12 July 2018, Bucharest, Romania
A homological model for the coloured Jones polynomials,
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 23 August 2018, Bucharest, Romania
Talk: Uq(sl(2))-Quantum invariants via topological intersection pairings, at Séminaire de Topologie et Géométrie, 29 November 2018, Geneve, Switzerland
2017 :
Towards a homological model for the Colored Jones polynomial
Seminar at Isaac Newton Institute,
in the Programme
Homology theories in low dimensional topology, 23 February 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom
A homological description for the colored Jones
polynomial, Abstract
Topology Seminar at IMAR , 21 April 2017, Bucharest, Romania
When quantum invariants meet geometry, Abstract
Les Seminaires des etudiants a l'IMB , 29 May 2017, Dijon, France
Towards a geometrical model for Uq(sl(2))-quantum
invariants, Abstract
Les Seminaires geometrie des systemes dynamiques a l'IMB , 1 Juin 2017, Dijon, France
2016 :
Volume Conjecture for knots and links,
Topology Seminar at IMAR, 24 June 2016, Bucharest, Romania
Modified 3-manifold invariants from the Lie super-algebra sl(2|1),
Groupe de travail: TQFTs Non-Semisimples, 06 december 2016, Paris Diderot University, France
2015 :
Heegaard-Floer homology: definitions, examples, basic results, IMAR Workgroup on two and three dimensional
manifolds, 06 may 2015, Bucharest, Romania
The modified link invariants for representations of unrolled quantum sl(2),
Groupe de travail: TQFTs Non-Semisimples, 06 oct 2015, Paris Diderot University, France
2014 :
Singular cohomology is isomorphic with Cech cohomology, IMAR Workgroup on two and three
dimensional manifolds, 16 jan 2014, Bucharest, Romania
The topology of a blow-up,
Student seminar on complex geometry, organised by Professor
Liviu Ornea and Professor Victor Vuletescu ,FMI, 01 april 2014, Bucharest, Romania
The Kodaira embedding theorem,
Student seminar on complex geometry, organised by Professor
Liviu Ornea and Professor Victor Vuletescu ,FMI, 15 april 2014, Bucharest, Romania
2013 :
Polynomial ramified coverings,
IMAR-SNSB seminar on Riemann surfaces, 7 march 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Polynomial ramified coverings and hyperelliptic surfaces II (with A. Otiman),
IMAR-SNSB seminar on Riemann surfaces, 14 march 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Polynomial ramified coverings and hyperelliptic surfaces III (with A. Otiman),
IMAR-SNSB seminar on Riemann surfaces, 21 march 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Hyperbolic knot complements I,
IMAR Workgroup on two and three dimensional manifolds, 23 oct 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Hyperbolic knot complements II,
IMAR Workgroup on two and three dimensional manifolds, 31 oct 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Hyperbolic knot complements III,
IMAR Workgroup on two and three dimensional manifolds, 07 nov 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Intersection of homology cycles, Student seminar on complex geometry,
organised by Professor
Liviu Ornea and Professor Victor Vuletescu , FMI, 29 nov 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Poincare duality and applications, Student seminar on complex geometry, organised by Professor
Liviu Ornea and Professor Victor Vuletescu ,FMI, 06 dec 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Intersection of analytic cycles and applications,
Student seminar on complex geometry, organised by Professor
Liviu Ornea and Professor Victor Vuletescu ,FMI, 13 dec 2013, Bucharest, Romania