Talks in Seminars

2024 :

  • 9 February 2024, Séminaire de Topologie, Grenoble, France
  • 20 February 2024, Séminaire Quantique , Strasbourg, France
  • 10 April 2024, Topological Quantum Field Theory Seminar , Lisbon, Portugal
  • 2023 :

  • Talk, Melbourne Topology Seminar, Melbourne, Australia, 5 October 2023
  • Talk, Geometry and Topology Seminar seminar, Imperial College London, 26 May 2023
  • 2022 :

  • Talk, Journée de topologie et d’algèbre quantique, 21 November 2022, IMJ-PRG Paris, France
  • Talk, Topology Seminar, 28 October 2022, Texas State University, US
  • Talk, Topology Seminar, 30 May 2022, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Talk, Séminaire de topologie et géométrie, April 2022, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • Talk, Knots and Representation Theory Seminar, 24 January 2022, Moscow, Russia
  • Talk, Geometry and Topology Seminar, 8 February 2022, Michigan State University, US
  • 2021 :

  • Talk, Seminaire de topologie algebrique, UC Louvain , 7 December, 2021, Belgium
  • Talk, [K-OS] Knot Online Seminar , 2 December, 2021
  • Talk, Nantes-Orsay seminar on symplectic and contact geometry, Paris-Saclay , November, 2021, France
  • Talk, Quantum topology seminar, October 2021, Indiana University Bloomington, US
  • Talk, Caltech geometry and topology seminar, October 2021, Caltech, US
  • Talk, CUNY Representation Theory Seminar, October 2021, New York, US
  • Talk, Knots and Representation Theory Seminar, July 2021, Moscow
  • Talk, Topology Seminar, 30 May 2022, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Talk, Séminaire AGATA , June 2021, Montpellier, France
  • Talk, Knot theory seminar , May 2021, Warsaw, Poland
  • Talk, Séminaire d'algèbre et de géométrie , May 2021, Caen, France
  • Talk, Topology Seminar , 16th February 2021, Stanford, US
  • 2020 :

  • Coloured Jones and Alexander polynomials unified through Lagrangian intersections in configuration spaces, at Geometry and Topology Seminar , 9th November 2020, University of Glasgow, UK
  • Talk, Topology Seminar, Institute of Mathematics IMAR, 23 October 2020, Bucharest, Romania (virtual)
  • Talk, Topology Seminar, Institute of Mathematics IMAR, 1 May 2020, Bucharest, Romania (virtual)
  • Talk, Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar, 18 March 2020 (virtual)
  • Talk, Séminaire de topologie , 28 January 2020, Université Paris Diderot, France
  • Talk, Séminaire de topologie , 31 January 2020, Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France
  • Talk, Séminaire de topologie , 07 February 2020, Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Lille, France
  • 2019 :

  • Heegaard Floer Homology and Solv manifolds, Workgroup Oxford , 5 March 2019, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Topological models for Uq(sl2)-quantum invariants, Séminaires de topologie algébrique, 20 March 2019, UC Louvain, Belgium
  • Uq(sl(2))-quantum invariants at roots of unity and homological braid group representations, Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 22 March 2019, Bucharest, Romania
  • Uq(sl(2))-quantum invariants through topological intersection pairings, Poincaré Seminar, 20 May 2019, Oxford Mathematical Institute
  • Quantum invariants- the Jones polynomial as a bridge between algebra and topology, Junior Geometry and Topology Seminar, 23 May 2019, Oxford Mathematical Institute
  • Coloured Jones and Alexander polynomials through the homology of configuration spaces, Topology Seminar at the Institute of Mathematics IMAR , 31 May 2019, Bucharest
  • Ribbon distance and Khovanov homology, Workgroup Oxford , 18 June 2019, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
  • 2018 :

  • Homological and geometrical representations of the braid group, Abstract Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 4 January 2018, Bucharest, Romania
  • L'homologie de Khovanov et Khovanov symplectique, Groupe de Travail "Invariants géométriques / symplectiques d'entrelacs", Paris Diderot University, 22 January 2018, France
  • L'homologie de Khovanov symplectique- definition et invariance, Groupe de Travail "Invariants géométriques / symplectiques d'entrelacs", Paris Diderot University, 20 February 2018, France
  • Singularitées et l'invariance de l'Homologie de Khovanov symplectique par rapport aux mouvements de Markov, Groupe de Travail "Invariants géométriques / symplectiques d'entrelacs", Paris Diderot University, 6 March 2018, France
  • Categorifications for link invariants coming from symplectic geometry I, Abstract Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 8 Mars 2018, Bucharest, Romania
  • Categorifications for link invariants coming from symplectic geometry II, Abstract Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 9 Mars 2018, Bucharest, Romania
  • Modified quantum invariants for 3-manifolds from super quantum groups, Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 6 April 2018, Bucharest, Romania
  • Quantum invariants for 3-manifolds from Uq(sl(2|1)), Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 16 May 2018, Bucharest, Romania
  • Non-commutative vector fields and the Fukaya category of the Milnor fibers, Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 12 July 2018, Bucharest, Romania
  • A homological model for the coloured Jones polynomials, Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar at IMAR , 23 August 2018, Bucharest, Romania
  • Talk: Uq(sl(2))-Quantum invariants via topological intersection pairings, at Séminaire de Topologie et Géométrie, 29 November 2018, Geneve, Switzerland Abstract
  • 2017 :

  • Towards a homological model for the Colored Jones polynomial , Seminar at Isaac Newton Institute,
    in the Programme Homology theories in low dimensional topology, 23 February 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • A homological description for the colored Jones polynomial, Abstract Topology Seminar at IMAR , 21 April 2017, Bucharest, Romania
  • When quantum invariants meet geometry, Abstract Les Seminaires des etudiants a l'IMB , 29 May 2017, Dijon, France
  • Towards a geometrical model for Uq(sl(2))-quantum invariants, Abstract Les Seminaires geometrie des systemes dynamiques a l'IMB , 1 Juin 2017, Dijon, France
  • 2016 :

  • Volume Conjecture for knots and links, Topology Seminar at IMAR, 24 June 2016, Bucharest, Romania
  • Modified 3-manifold invariants from the Lie super-algebra sl(2|1), Groupe de travail: TQFTs Non-Semisimples, 06 december 2016, Paris Diderot University, France
  • 2015 :

  • Heegaard-Floer homology: definitions, examples, basic results, IMAR Workgroup on two and three dimensional manifolds, 06 may 2015, Bucharest, Romania
  • The modified link invariants for representations of unrolled quantum sl(2), Groupe de travail: TQFTs Non-Semisimples, 06 oct 2015, Paris Diderot University, France
  • 2014 :

  • Singular cohomology is isomorphic with Cech cohomology, IMAR Workgroup on two and three dimensional manifolds, 16 jan 2014, Bucharest, Romania
  • The topology of a blow-up, Student seminar on complex geometry, organised by Professor Liviu Ornea and Professor Victor Vuletescu ,FMI, 01 april 2014, Bucharest, Romania
  • The Kodaira embedding theorem, Student seminar on complex geometry, organised by Professor Liviu Ornea and Professor Victor Vuletescu ,FMI, 15 april 2014, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2013 :

  • Polynomial ramified coverings, IMAR-SNSB seminar on Riemann surfaces, 7 march 2013, Bucharest, Romania
  • Polynomial ramified coverings and hyperelliptic surfaces II (with A. Otiman), IMAR-SNSB seminar on Riemann surfaces, 14 march 2013, Bucharest, Romania
  • Polynomial ramified coverings and hyperelliptic surfaces III (with A. Otiman), IMAR-SNSB seminar on Riemann surfaces, 21 march 2013, Bucharest, Romania
  • Hyperbolic knot complements I, IMAR Workgroup on two and three dimensional manifolds, 23 oct 2013, Bucharest, Romania
  • Hyperbolic knot complements II, IMAR Workgroup on two and three dimensional manifolds, 31 oct 2013, Bucharest, Romania
  • Hyperbolic knot complements III, IMAR Workgroup on two and three dimensional manifolds, 07 nov 2013, Bucharest, Romania
  • Intersection of homology cycles, Student seminar on complex geometry, organised by Professor Liviu Ornea and Professor Victor Vuletescu , FMI, 29 nov 2013, Bucharest, Romania
  • Poincare duality and applications, Student seminar on complex geometry, organised by Professor Liviu Ornea and Professor Victor Vuletescu ,FMI, 06 dec 2013, Bucharest, Romania
  • Intersection of analytic cycles and applications, Student seminar on complex geometry, organised by Professor Liviu Ornea and Professor Victor Vuletescu ,FMI, 13 dec 2013, Bucharest, Romania

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