Talks at Conferences
Invited Talks at International Conferences :
- September 2024, (Mini-Course) Lost in Topology Workshop , Pisa, Italy
- August 2024, Journees de basse dimension, Nantes, France
- 18 March 2024, Algebra Days in Caen , Caen, France
- September 2023, Mapping class groups: pronilpotent and cohomological approaches, Les Diablerets Switzerland
- June 2023, The Tenth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Pitesti, Romania
- July, 2022 AMS-EMS-SMF Special Session
, Grenoble, France
- November 2021, AMS Sectional Meeting at the University of South Alabama, US
- November 2021, Quantum Field Theories and Quantum Topology Beyond Semisimplicity, Banff International Research Station, Canada.
- August 2021, Perspectives on quantum link homology theories, Regensburg, Germany
- August 2021, Remote Rendezvous for Quantum Topologists
- April 2021, British Mathematical Colloqium (BMC) ,
University of Glasgow, UK
- February 2021, Homological and quantum invariants
, CIRM, France
- July 2019, The Ninth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Galati, Romania
- May 2018,
Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Bucharest, Romania
Contributed Talks at International Conferences :
2019 :
- Talk: Coloured Jones polynomials via the topology of configuration spaces, Abstract
at Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra and knot invariants, 8-10 March 2019, Renyi Institute Budapest, Hungary
- Talk "U_q(sl(2))-quantum invariants as topological intersection pairings", Loops in Leeds
1-4 July 2019, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- Talk "A topological model for the family of coloured Alexander invariants" at the PCMI research program: Quantum field theory and manifold invariants Park
City, Utah, 720 July 2019.
2018 :
- Talk: A homological model for the coloured Jones polynomials, at Winter Braids VIII
5-9 February 2018, CIRM - Luminy, France
- Talk: A homological model for the colored Jones polynomials, Abstract
, at
TQFT et catégorification
15-20 April 2018, Cargese, France
- Thematic School - "Computing the colored Jones polynomial by using solvable Lie algebras" , participation with the talk
"A topological formula of the loop expansion of the colored Jones polynomial by using the Lawrence-Krammer-Bigelow
representations and a short proof of the Melvin-Morton- Rozansky conjecture", 22-27 April 2018,
Matemale, France
- Talk: A homological model for the coloured Jones polynomials, Abstract
, at
ICM2018 Satellite Conference: Braid groups, configuration spaces and homotopy theory 23-27 July 2018, Salvador - Bahia, Brazil
- Talk: Quantum invariants via topological intersection pairings, at North meets South Colloquium, University of Oxford, 9 November 2018
- Talk: Coloured Jones polynomials and topological intersection pairings, at Twisted and Quantum knot invariants, 13-15 December 2018, Durham, United Kingdom

2017 :
- Geometric interpretations for U_q(sl(2)) quantum invariants and categorification, at
Journees des doctorants du GDR Tresses, 16-17 November 2017, Grenoble, France
- A Homological model for
the coloured Jones polynomials,
Winter school:
representation theory
and symplectic geometry 20-24 November 2017, Bonn, Germany
2016 :
- Thematic School - Differentiable structures on 7 dimensional spheres, participation with the talks
"Pontrjagin classes, Chern numbers and Pontrjagin numbers" and "Multiplicative sequences and the Signature theorem", 7-11 March 2016,
La Llagonne, France
- The ADO polynomial and homological interpretations for quantum invariants, Workshop Leysin ,
4-7 September 2016, Switzerland
- Geometric interpretations for quantum invariants,
Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2016 18-23 September 2016, Germany
2015 :
- Multivariable link invariants
renormalized quantum dimension
, talk presented at
(Early Career Stage Topologists AT Imperial College)
Imperial College, London, United Kingdom 11-12 June 2015
- Renormalized quantum
dimension and multivariable invariants for links
Young Topologists' Meeting 2015 610 July 2015
EPFL, Ecublens, Switzerland
- Renormalized quantum dimension and
multivariable link invariants, Abstract
, talk at
Engelberg Summer School 2015 24 September 2015,
2013 :
- The Jordan-Brouwer and the Invariance of the
domain theorems with modern applications
,talk shortlisted for
the GCHQ prize at Tomorrow's Mathematicians Today, Greenwich, February 2013
- Topological degree and invariance of domain
,talk presented at
Workshop on Geometry and PDE's, Timisoara, May 2013
- Twisted polynomials for knots and 3-manifolds
with applications to concordance, slicing and
, talk presented at
Young Topologists Meeting, EPFL Lausanne, July 2013